Matt Hostetler
Ph.D. in Chemistry
Purdue University
Postdoctoral Associate
2018 - present

Welcome to the Parkinson lab!
In the Parkinson lab, we focus on the identification of novel anticancer and antibiotic natural products from cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters in bacteria. We are particularly interested in the chemical signals that affect Streptomyces’ natural product production and how we can use organic chemistry, chemical biology, and synthetic biology to accelerate access to cryptic biosynthetic gene clusters. Additionally, we are developing peptide based protein-protein interaction inhibitors for challenging to hit anticancer targets such as the transcription factors.
We are currently seeking motivated graduate students from chemistry, MCMP, or PULSe. Email Betsy at eparkins[at]purdue.edu if you are interested!
Parkinson Lab News:
November 2024
Welcome to the newest graduate students in the Parkinson lab: Temi Oropo (chemistry) and Kalyn Koons (chemistry)!
November 2024
Congratulations to Lauren on obtaining her PhD!!!
August 2024
Welcome to all of the new Purdue graduate students! If you are interested in the Parkinson lab, please reach out to Betsy (eparkins at purdue dot edu). We accept chemistry, MCMP, and PULSe graduate students.
December 2023
Welcome to the newest graduate students in the Parkinson lab: Paisley Jeannette (chemistry), Kylie Castator (chemistry), and Gaby Coy (MCMP!)
November 2023
Congratulations to Amir on obtaining his PhD!!!
August 2023
Welcome to all of the incoming graduate students! If you are interested in learning more about the Parkinson lab, please reach out to Betsy or members of the Parkinson lab. Also, feel free to attend our group meetings on Thursday nights at 5:30 pm in BRWN 4102. The schedule can be found here.
Congratulations to Ramya on obtaining her PhD and to Alyssa on getting her MS!!!
Welcome to Manuela Frias Gomez, a visiting scholar from ICESI University!
We are hiring! An NIH-funded postdoc position is available in the Parkinson Lab. We are interested in those with experience in natural product isolation from Actinobacteria and structure elucidation. Experience with peptide synthesis or genetics in Actinobacteria is preferred but not required. See here for more details.
Excited to announce that we have been awarded an NSF CAREER award: CAREER: A Multidisciplinary Approach for the Discovery and Characterization of Hormone Inducers of Natural Product Biosynthetic Gene Clusters!
Welcome to our new first year graduate students! Carson Roberts and Claudia Evans are new chemistry graduate students!
Welcome to the new Purdue graduate students! If you are in Chemistry, MCMP, or PULSe and are interested in potentially joining the Parkinson lab, please reach out to Betsy by email to set up a meeting.
Welcome to our zero year Chemistry graduate students Carson Roberts and Claudia Evans!
Congratulations to our undergraduates Ian Woolsey, Braden Baker, Grace Buechel, and Kaitlyn Niebrugge on their graduations!!!
Are you a high school science teacher or do you know one? If so, they might be interested in doing our recently developed lab From Microbes to Medicines. We supply the petri dishes and other basic supplies! For more information, please check out the protocol and instructional videos here.
Welcome to our new first year graduate students! Namuunaa Otgontseren and Alyssa Eggly are new chemistry graduate students and Noah Moriarty is a new MCMP graduate student.
Welcome to our new chemistry graduate student Haylie Hennigan! Haylie will be working on the gamma-butyrolactone synthesis project. Also, welcome to our new chemistry undergraduate student Nikhil Sadavarte! Nikhil is working on the cyclic peptide project.
We are hiring! An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available. We are particularly interested in individuals with experience in organic chemistry, with preference given to those with experience in natural product synthesis, biocatalysis, and/or peptide chemistry. See here for details on how to apply.
Thank you to the NIH for recommending our instrument supplement for funding. UPLC-MS here we come!
Welcome to our new chemistry graduate student Hani Lakkis! Hani will be working on the gamma-butyrolactone synthesis project.
Welcome to the new chemistry zero year graduate student Namuunaa Otgontseren who is doing a rotation in the lab for the month of June!
Congratulations to Lauren and Sam for both passing their preliminary exams!!!
Welcome to our new postdoc César Aguilar! César will be working on the antibiotic induction project.
We are excited to virtually welcome all of the potential new graduate students for Fall of 2021! Please make sure to participate in the virtual visits. And email Prof. Parkinson if you have any questions. See above video for a virtual tour of the lab :)
Welcome to our new Chemistry graduate student, Zach Budimir!
Congratulations to Ramya and Amir for both passing their preliminary exams!!!
Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers: Braden Baker, Grace Buechel, Sarah Thormann, and Diane Santos! We are excited to have you in the lab :)
Best of luck to Matt who is leaving us to start his new career as an assistant professor at Marshall University!
Welcome to our new postdoc Crissi!
So grateful to have been awarded the NIH ESI MIRA award for our work on antibiotic induction of natural products and chemical synthesis of predicted natural products!!!
Excited to announce that we have been awarded the 2019-2020 Robbers New Investigator Award from PCCR for our work on the development of Nrf2 inhibitors!!!
Welcome to our new PULSe graduate student Lauren!!!
I had so much fun getting to talk with Sarah and Steven at Superheroes of Science about some of the work being done in the lab. Check it out!
Welcome to our new MCMP graduate student Samantha!!!
Welcome to our new graduate students Bobby and Brianne!!!
Great turnout for the Parkinson lab Chemistry thesis interview! If you are interested in the Parkinson lab, please come to group meetings on Wednesday at 5:30 pm in BRWN 2106. Also, please email Dr. Parkinson to set up a one-on-one meeting!
The Parkinson lab welcomes rotation students Samantha Nelson (MCMP) and Lauren Wilbanks (PULSE) to the lab!
Welcome to the new Purdue graduate students! We are excited that you are here! If you are interested in joining the Parkinson lab, please email Betsy.
Excited to announce that the Parkinson lab has been awarded the 2019 Showalter Trust Research Award for our project entitled "Discovery of bioactive natural products by inducing biosynthetic gene clusters"!
Congratulations to Autumn who graduated with her B.S. in Chemistry. Good luck in graduate school at UIUC!
Welcome to our new graduate student Ramya!
We have moved into our new lab space. So excited to get to do chemistry in this amazing space.
Welcome to all of the prospective chemistry graduate students visiting this weekend! We are excited that you are visiting. Please stop by the Parkinson lab if you are interested in natural product synthesis, biosynthesis, and drug discovery!
Lab renovations are almost complete! Excited to fill the space with equipment and new graduate students! See the pictures tab for pictures of the new space.
Welcome to our new graduate student Amir!
Welcome to our new postdoc Matt!
Welcome to Autumn, Jessica, and Ian, the new undergraduates in the lab!
The lab is starting to get set up! Real science will be starting soon.
Betsy will be at the Purdue graduate student recruitment weekend on March 2-3. Come by her poster Friday night to learn more about research in the Parkinson lab!
Purdue University | eparkins@purdue.edu | 765-496-3346